2014(e)ko urriaren 29(a), asteazkena
Hello reader!
On this writing i'am goin to going to write about the social websites (instagram,tuenti,twitter,whatsapp...)
I´am goin to write about the good and the bad consequences of using this social websites, how to guarantee the security of your account and the different meaning of "a friend"
On this paragraph i'm going to talk about the advantages of the social websites, if you use properly and thinking what are you doing. The main advantage is that you can met people from over all the world, talk with him or her. Apart of this, you can inform-ate what happen in the world, sport information.. and if you are a gossip person, you can gossip the people. If you want ass well you can entertain seen videos, playing online with your friend, see videos and photos that your friend shared with you...You can enjoy of all of this using properly the webs.
Now i'm going to talk about the disadvantages of the social sites. The social websites have much disadvantages like, anyone can use your information and do everything
with the information, can download your photos, people can do fake accounts of you, and the most important, can hack your account and do everything there.
To finish with this i'm goint to tell you how to guarante your accounts. Fistly, put a dificcult password with leters and numer, and to be posible with more than 8 carachteres. Apart of this, we accept unknown person, and my personal opinion is to no accept unknown persons. To finished with, you can block people that you wnt no to be followed.
This will help you to enjoy of the social accounts.
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Argitaratu iruzkinak (Atom)
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